Tuesday, September 27, 2016

10 Things I Hate About U; America

         At its current position America has destroyed three major nations; killed its citizens, destroyed its governments and abandon them after the task was accomplished. There was a moment in time, where one could smile bright and represent its home land and now, citizens are hiding their ID’s and moving off the grid. The beauty that once held this nation together is slowly returning and it is the duty of citizens to share their knowledge with their fellow man; and implement change. As the introduction to “Awaking up America”, here are the, Ten Things I Hate about You; America,

1)      America; lacks Loyalty
a.       As the economy is changing all across the world, America has lost most, if not all its power and influence; as the greatest nation, known to man. America the beauty; has become, America the bully. Sending all the great jobs; many of the citizens came to America for, overseas; to supply a decreasing, price in production to “Big Business”. The American government has chosen money and power over humanity, love and loyalty to its citizens. According to CNN.com, over 3,000 American Companies have shipped jobs overseas, for cheap labor.

2)      Their clear, disregard for honesty;
a.       Every few years or so, the American people are bombarded with stories from past times in the nation’s history, where the “Powers that be” lied to implement or conduct some form of treason, without recognition. The sneaky, over exaggerating lies, disdain for the respect of its people and the galls to implement actions that incredibly, directly go against the constitution of the republic. False Flag’s are one way America has lied to its citizens and done nothing to fix it; Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, The Cold War, The Vietnam War and most recently; the Iraq and Afghanistan Freedom Mission. Recently, The Free Thought Project.com released an article about the newly discovered Israeli False Flag Attack, from the 1960’s.

3)      Financial ignorant
a.       There is no way, which this nation is going to get out of the financial crisis it currently has; without change, of everything. After numerous presidents have come and gone, the budget and the financial system has been shot- there is only one, documented moment in American history, when we were debt free; 1/8/1835 and it was executed by then President Andrew Jackson.

4)      Hidden Agenda’s
a.       In the early 1900’s America, was booming through the industrial revolution and things were beginning to look up until; they begin to implement their plan; at hand. The American Government begins implementing dangerous ideas, disease and crime to its citizens by way, of manipulation; such as “Vaccinations and AIDS testing; with still does not have a “standard test”; Planned Parenthood and Catholic Charities; heroin and the Drug cartels. There are numerous articles and videos via YouTube to explain this, to its fullest. One particular, is called, “Black Genocide: The truth About the White Man’s Burden”. It speaks about the creation and development of the American Eugenics Movement and the American Birth Control movement, which worked together to decrease the population of African-Americans and later changed their name too; that’s right- “Planned Parenthood”. If the video does not do justice; check out the “10-Eye-Opening Quotes from Margaret Sanger”, creator of two of the three companies, listed above: on LifeNews.com.

5)      Disregard for Humanity
a.       The FDA, who “works for the people” has contained to allow America’ government and “Big Business” to use chemicals that are deadly; such as toothpaste, led filled water, glued-together “fake” pork or steak meats and hormone elements. Pesticide vegetables, disease, drugs, physical and mental abused at the hands of those you’re taught to look to for leadership. You can check out a You Tube video; “Fake Meat: The meat Glue Secret” or you can goggle Monsanto and I’m pretty sure everything that comes up will shock you, to the core; if not visit this site below…

6)      Neglect to its Veterans
a.       You can go into any major city and find thousands of homeless veterans, from Iraq, the Gulf War and even some from Vietnam. These citizens risked everything to fight for their country but, are still being left behind and thrown away; click the link below for statistics. They are denied assistance and given no respect, empathy or consideration. The congress and the president get paid salary; which by the way- is illegal. Congress representatives are not to be paid-only the president. Ridiculous sums of money, is paid to these people and not once has anyone, came out of their pockets; with their stolen money, to help these veterans. They turn right around and “put their friends on.” They create non-profit organizations that are paid by governmental contracts or grants, and mask the agency, of whom expected to help its citizens provide assistance; hence, the CIA (America’s Government Mafia), Planned Parenthood (America’s genocide protestors) Christian Coalition & Catholic Charities (Governmentally funded organizations, that provide no assets to the nation or its citizens. Personally, I have seen numerous video’s that support, the “CIA Mafia”; you can copy and paste, CIA Mafia into YouTube and you have a lot of work ahead. My favorite video, it’s in two parts: “JFK Assassination FB Conspiracy Mob Mafia Oswald CIA American Expose Who Murdered JFK 4”

7)      Federal Reserve Scam
a.       You may think that the Federal Reserve Bank which, creates, operate and manages American citizens, governments and the nation finances; is a Federal Agency. Well think again. A privately owned corporation, with no legal connection to America; or does America have jurisdiction over it. There are numerous people that will say they know this however; they believe it’s not that big of a deal and I am saddened to say that this information-cannot go over your heads. They are stealing from us; on so many levels, also, visit federalreserve.gov and read the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The link below, is a YouTube video that can explain in detail; “The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind-Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Hidden Secrets of Money 4”

8)      Self-governing, Government
a.       After 9/11/01 family members of those lost that day, came out in disbelief and asked our government to conduct an investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers. Majority of the people who lead the investigation, were friends and /or former colleagues of political figures, at the time. The government also allowed, the President and the Vice President (at the time; 2001) to provide testimony regarding 9/11; in closed circuitry and not on record. I am not sure if the website plays the entire movie but, you can watch the entire movie on YouTube; 9/11: Press for Truth (Documentary Film 2006). These women, will changed what you thought or believe-heartfelt. 

9)      Racial Divides
a.       The history of racism in America has not gone on death ear, not to mention every year; citizens are reminded during Black History Month. The African-American citizens, feel they have to fight for everything they want. It’s been the tradition, in America; some may say. White Americans, on the other hand; can’t understand why and how it (racism) is still an issue. Neither understands the divide this emotional topic brings into the nation and how it affects morale. The hidden agenda is working on over load currently; to get the pull they need to implement their system that would further divide, American citizens. And this time, it won’t be due to race. The racist are divided, as it is; there is no need to worry about everyone coming together to fight, because they have implemented, divide and conquer; example “Black Lives Matter.” The video liked above for; number four (4) also discuss this connection.

10)   Weapon of Mass Destruction, was never in Iraq!
a.       No matter what is done, no matter how much information or technology one has- these evil people who are manipulating, the governments and political parties; will fall. The government governs by consent- American citizens need to know that they are authorizing these people to ruin their and their children’s lives; along with their beloved country. Your consent-is the Weapon of Mass Destruction, which needs to be put into place.  America is the land of the great and the home of the brave and as long as there are concerned citizens, still breathing- we will see America again; in all her glory and shine! No specific link or video for this, this is solely my #10. I believe that with all the information at our hands, today via the internet- it is only our fault that we are still in the dark for truth. No longer can we use “I do not know” as an excuse. The truth is always, right in your face and the only thing is, we believe everything; only on the surface. Thought provokes change and change comes, first from within. “We need to get to a time when the simplicities of Life; intertwine with the complexity of technology and humanity…” Crissie W. They always say, history repeats itself…

 “….We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with  certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Government are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and it institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….” America’s Fore Father’s

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Is my opinion, better than yours?

      America is so diverse and the issues that affect us all; are pretty hurtful (such as-racism, immigration, terror and plain ole, discrimination). Every day we all walk around on pins and needles because we are afraid to say something. It is my belief that all of those issues mentioned above are a part of a greater problem that is intertwined in the hearts, souls and the soil of America. The only way to fix those problems; we need to attack the system at its heart and work from there. I personally believe this is the only place where the “Trickle Down Theory” will have some effect. In the next 15 years our children will inherit this mess and as their parents it is our job to make sure our children are able to experience the world at large; just as the original fore fathers created the “idea” of republic, for the people and by the people.

      My book, is called Black Racism/White Supremacy; the idea of this book stem from five years of observation, road trips, personal accomplishments and barriers to success, research (for all sections of the “issue”), personal evaluations and years of personal opinions. As a journalist the idea to create a story that can last for generations to come; is always a goal and that is ultimately the goal of this book and my journalism interest. I currently produce a personal blog, conduct freelance writing work and countless hours of reading and investigation however; no matter how much I research or how much I assume; I could never provide the perspective of a white person, Hispanic person or a male.

      I would like to work with you; on an on-going basis to facilitate “America’s Idea” from several points of view. If you know me personally there is no reason, you are not aware of my feelings and thoughts when it comes down to life in America. I am a writer; college educated, married; lesbian and Mother of one. A black proud woman, who comes from a less fortunate family and that within itself, is job to get through. As a little girl my Mother gave me a journal, to express my feelings without hesitation. I was 9 years old and that one journal turned into 17 journals, throughout my life. After graduating college and pressuring a career in social services; I went out into the world to gain everything I could, to facilitate “World Peace”. While on this path, I ran across; lust portrayed as Love; molestation as a child and the consent pressure to be better than my Mother. At age 27, I was the youngest person in my position, at the local government Human Service Department; the highest paid person in my entire family and the key too many people’s success. After 2011 when my Grannie passed away; my eyes opened to a different world.

      I begin reading more and stopped watching TV- did not come by so easy but, I did it and as things begin to align with my goals, I lost my Great Grandmother and my cousin, in 2012. The idea to write my autobiography came when one day- a memory of my Mother offering me to her boyfriend for sex; showed up in my sleep. It took everything out of me to hold this information in but, something told me- my mother wouldn’t be able to handle this. This idea became clear, in the spring of 2013 when my oldest Brother passed of HIV complications and no one knew he had it. My wife and I depleted our savings paying for his funeral and had to move in with my wife’s Mother. After we begin to rebuild our savings- my Mother passed away from a heart attack and everything else became irrelevant. I woke up one day and had no idea what to do with neither my life nor myself. My entire life was devoted to making sure I out did my Mother by, choice and by force. Everything I went after or attempt to complete- where all her desires, for me and once that was gone, all those things required became redundant. I noticed that my job within the government was to be a glorified baby sitter. I walked away from that income. I opened a non-profit organization, The Woodland Foundation; to help low-income individuals increase their education and professional advancement opportunity.
I can no longer sit back and allow people, to pass issues that will remain in our world-until we fix the problem and not the symptoms.

Please contact me via email, at rudediarylady@gmail.com ; if you are interested. 

Racist White Lady, Teaching Black Students

Original Article: 



Last night, I had an entire melt-down because I and so many other “African-Americans” have to learn how to deal with race and racism as a whole and to do that; we have to remove personal feelings and opinions. We (Black People) have always been looked at as angry black people, looking for handouts. My entire life has been devoted to making sure I do not stand as an angry black woman however; it is never required, that whites should do the same- or at least, it’s not shown. No matter how upset they get- they are never seen as angry white people. I can cry and curse in a twitter post and everyone in America will see me as an angry black woman but, an author presenting as, Ms. Rosemary Pennington can post a rant that denotes black people in every way and yet no one views this author as a racist.  

The interest in this article stems from the idea that racism no longer exist and as, Blacks continue to fight this war; white people are allowed to defame us using “ghost writers” or deniability for accountability. Now, of course you’ll say, why were you trolling to find something to complain about and I say- I was not. Research is pointless if you cannot see both sides of the argument. Last night as I begin this journey to research information, that I personally would be bothered by; I listened to Dick Gregory tell me, to control my emotions. He say’s if I cannot understand or combat an argument without my emotions getting involved, I really won’t make a difference, let alone be heard. The idea to remove emotions from journalism is what I have actually liked about freelance writing however; not one article that I have written has been published. And you can say, maybe I’m not a good writer and I’ll show you every comment for work that has been denied. Along with rejections, the comments from editors are; Great Work Crystal, just not what where looking for; or great work! I mean; you have so much passion and very great readability; just not the types of work were looking for. So, in my mind that say’s you’re too black. That is especially true when I find this article. Now the websites aren’t the same but, these types of articles are all I have seen. Not one publication; not black owned or operated has posts with great articles by black people about Black people. There are numerous articles and post by white people about black people but, not the other way around. Whites can speak on everything when it comes down to black people but, blacks can’t speak of themselves; let alone white people.  And I am not saying it does not exist; I am saying its far and few between like; black celebrities who win Oscars.

I am angry because everyday- I turn on TV, the radio, or my cell phone and someone is telling us black people, that racism no longer exist; it’s in our head and where tripping. And we argue back and forth and it goes nowhere and even though everyone knows it still exists, black people are labeled spoiled children with no thought. So, where seen as ignorant people because we believe something, exist but, it no longer exists. This is what America has us portrayed as, and it’s easy to believe until you find this article and I quote; “Why then are Blacks considered human? Why are Blacks and non-Blacks considered part of the same species? We could not look more different, act more different, or have more different personalities than them. There is a vast genetic divergence between Blacks and non-Blacks dating back 100,000 years. And even though Blacks and non-Blacks can have fertile offspring, biologically that has never been used as the exclusive standard for whether you belong to the same species or not.” Even if you remove emotions from reading this article, there is still enough information to make a logical judgment that, whoever is writing this; is a racist person. The information in this article is not only incorrect by the longest yard, its ignorant for them to speak it, let alone someone to publish.

I can go through almost every part of this article and give you facts that prove the author is ignorant and teaching or providing detail information to a public audience. First; the IQ test which is a test that was created by a “white man”; didn’t exist until the late 1800’s. the author states; “It is not a far cry to say it is IQ that makes humans better than animals, and it is the IQ that makes some humans better than other humans.” So, the usage of the IQ test, in this article is to prove that a “white man” created a test to establish a classification system for human intelligence. This test, which has nothing to do with actual science, is the first reason, that Blacks aren’t Human. Second, it states; “That’s not all though. Blacks are unique in that when we arrived,” I am going to assume “we” is referring to white people; “they had no written language, no wheel, no architectural works, nothing at all that would indicate they lived a human existence…” If this is not enough to prove the ignorance is epic; I can go on. It later says; “For the past 100,000 years non-Blacks have been spreading across the globe, building pyramids and cities, developing new technology, domesticating animals and crops, covering themselves in finely decorated clothing, and living essentially human lives. Blacks, meanwhile, stayed nearly naked, self-mutilating, technology-less, with no domesticated animals, no written language, no wheel, no stone buildings, no metalworking, nothing.” It should be obvious that I do not need to elaborate on this foolery that is this article but, it continues; “nothing existed in Africa…”; in the context that religion and everything man made that is used today didn’t come from Africa. As if Egypt somehow moved. I know that it may be hard to admit that Egypt is a part of Africa; I know that your movies and history will show maybe a difference but, Egypt has always been and always will be in Africa.

The author later states, “Virtually every other non-Black group came up with an admirable or at least interesting religion or philosophy which was recorded and taught to a priesthood… and Egypt authored the Book of the Dead. Only Black Africa (an assorted primitives in Australasia) hadn’t recorded or created any official religion or philosophy. Today it is questionable what Blacks could achieve on their own, without the intervention of others giving to them all the things they could never produce or maintain themselves.” This information is purely opinion and not factual, by no evidence. There is more evidence on the internet to prove this is merely a personal rant attack on Black People, versus a reasonable factual base article. Some may say that I am an angry black woman that went searching the internet to prove there is racism in America, by all means and you can check for yourself but, I am the last person that wants to admit that racism is still a problem. I am a firm believer that racism is by all means a symptom of bigger problem and this article supports that. My research is to prove that racism again, is only a by-product of a system of white supremacy and articles as such proves this information.

It is people like this author, that continues to elaborate the racism in America and then they turn and raise children with the same ideas, all the while, mentioning racism doesn’t exist. Black writers like me or Dr. Frances C. Welsing who recently passed, has been attacked many times for writing about how racism still works and hurts American citizens. I am not comparing Dr. Welsing work to mine; she was an amazing writer, philosopher and black leading woman. I have watch how, many white people attacked her for her beliefs and yet, this author is still working comfortably teaching our children; children she doesn’t accept as human, or she’s deceased and ghost writing from the grave, to express her true feelings regarding race. Black writers get denied and criticize when we publish work about racism or where not hired because we want to talk about reality. Dr. Frances was fired from a job when she released The ISIS Papers. And we need to make sure, that anyone teaching black students does not view them, in any way other than students, period. 


After speaking with Ms. Pennington; the author mentioned as the publisher of this article; I was informed that this work is not her work. Furthermore, as of this morning another article has been posted to this site using the same publisher. If there are any issues or concerns regarding the article or its author please see National Vanguard website- as it is a posted article which requires detail contact information for a published piece. I am responsible for all work written here (Rude Diary Blog) however; I am not responsible for misrepresentation on another website.