Friday, December 4, 2015
How ISIS Changed Christmas
Monday, November 9, 2015
What are we to do?
This guy said on Twitter today that, the reason for the Missouri strike was not actually racism! What does he think it was really about. Do white people honestly believe Blacks bring up racism because where lazy? Do they truly believe Blacks cry out for equality because were not smart enough to maneuver around the US?
I consider myself to be a very smart Black American but, everyday I woke up, for years; I felt I had a disadvantage because I was Black. Nothing personally happened to me, that was racially motivated however; with February and the constant reminders of racism drown into my consciousness. I immediately felt this dark cloud over my Black skin. Another lady said on Twitter that we have to understand that racism is a psychological problem- and this is way we all (white, black, brown, purple, etc...) need to wake up.
Black people don't want racism to exist. We dont cry wolf because we like being excluded or singled out for our race. Michael Brown's family is not imagining that he was killed because he was Black. Racism is clearly real! Its so real and so in grained in all American's we don't know we do it. I was staying in a hotel and this white lady came in a few days after us. She was there for about three weeks before we actually had an interaction. Everytime she would see my wife and I she would speed up or bend her head down, to walk past.
One day I was doing laundry, as I begin walking back into my building; she got out of her car and also headed into the same building. I was about fifteen steps behind her and as she got to the door she speed up and close it in my face. I didn't do or say anything because I didn't want to be that girl- oh she did that cause Im Black. I left it alone and gave her the benefit of the doubt. A few days later, she was coming out of the building as I was coming into the building. Now, its been about two months; we all have been here a while and I had an arm full of grocery bags. As she approached the door and I stood there looking for my keys she stepped to the side and waited for me to use my keys. And then proceeded to try and come out the door before I walked in, as I opened the door.
I immediately stopped her: "Why didn't you open the door? Do you not know who I am?" She paused for a moment and looked me in my face: "I was afraid that you would do something to me. Every time I see you, I get nervous and I'm not really sure why." "Did you not open the door for me because I'm Black? Are you afraid of me because I'm Black; even though you see me everyday with my dog, son and wife. Even though I had an arm full of grocery bags!" I said. "I didn't even notice I was doing it. I didn't even know I was being this way; because you where Black. I opened the door for this young white guy, with forty tattoos and they kepted me up all night. Am I a racist?" She said with this disturbed yet sad look on her face. "I have never considered myself as a racist but, as I think about it, I do a lot of racist things. Which makes me a racist!" She couldn't believe it and I couldn't believe that she was obvious to what she was doing all her life. Ive done the samething; to Black and Hispanic men. When/if I see one, at night; I grab my things and bring them close. Or lock my car doors if their walking up the street.
We all do it! Or have done it but, because we have millions of people, like this guy mentioned earlier from Twitter; who continue to believe and pass around the notion that racism is over. We will always live in this world.
What we need to do.....
-Take away Black History Month! Or talk about all of Black History; not just America's Black history.
-Stop praising the Black activists from slavery!
-Get rid of the "minority" standing or standard.
-Remove race from our vocabulary! Figure it out-you figured out a way to put it there.
This is just the beginning! Join the conversation and share what else needs to change, to evoke change.
@CrysWashington6 on Twitter & Periscope
Crystal Washington on Facebook
Sunday, November 8, 2015
It's three am, on the east coast of America and I'm trying to put things together - or at least make sense. Do we deny that racism exist; to present the theory that it no longer exist?! When did being a "reality star" become a credible job? Why is everyone upset with homosexuality?
Racism didn't exist in my neighborhood, as a child. My introduction to the hatred for another's race or your own race, came from school. We were taught bad things that happened to people based on their race and exposed to the damage it did. We were exposed to Jim Crow, The KKK, "Nazi Hitler" & the Holocaust. To teach us how much minorities, "as a people" have overcome. However; do we need to relieve something, over and over again; that we have overcome? Why must the notion of racism be drilled into every fourth graders head? Why must you remind me of the bad, if it no longer exist? Is my life better knowing that; for years it was ok to think openly, that Blacks are less than? We get a refresher course every February; a Black leader, of this great nation and systematically enslavement of Black men: with the criminal justice system. Am I confused or is this one big circle? Racism; a system created by intolerable men; is continuously taught and relieved, along with numerous racially motivated crimes, actions and injustices; deployed amongst the minority. Pfft, if we continue to deny it's existence, we can not fix it.
In a world where racism is #trending but, not #trending; one should expect that work isn't the same. As a teenager, reality tv, for me; consist of Big Brother & The Real World. Now, everyone is a celebrity from one show to another. There is a reality show for almost anything, like rbeing a "bad girl" - it now pays off; not listening to your mother "ladies are to be seen, not heard." They have shows to show you, your next door neighbor; how they became your neighbor; how you can pick better neighbor's; if your neighbor has ghosts or if they keep a lot of things. Has Sesame Street gone so rogue that, Keeping up with the Kardashian's is your child's favorite show? Have we gotten so smart, sophisticated or rich that we lost our common sense? How has doing the right thing become heroic and the wrong or bad thing become normal or expected? How is Zimmerman still harassing people and police, are able to create and or change the laws? And on the other hand, a mother is awarded "Mother of the Year" for doing what every mother should have done.
Nothing's a secret anymore; everything you've done in the dark is coming to light. Rules that where put into place, morals, codes and standards that were established so long ago are being broken down; some good, some bad. Communities are no longer; family is non-existent and on the other hand - homosexuality is coming out of the closet. Great thing for me; sad for many others: but, why? Does my homosexuality offend you because, you believe that God said it is a sin? Does my homosexuality offend you because, you believe in a law that said; marriage is for a man and woman. Black people, who are firmly against homosexuality because of your religion: I want you to think about this - the same God that you believe in, is the same God that says its ok to enslave Black people. Or in some way, his words can be interpreted as, to enslave Blacks. The same God that allowed others to harm you, in your righteousness; is the same God you use, to do the same to others. Second, this law was created at a time when there was a clear separation of human beings and other; in America. Black people where not considered human, let alone a man or woman so; in creating the law they needed to be clear: only men (white men) and women (white women) could marry, in this new great nation.
You cannot interpret the truth to be whatever you want it be. Its the truth - it's only interpretation is itself: the truth.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Life of Addict
Sunday, October 4, 2015
How Dare You
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Its For The World
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Best Decision for Election 2016
Monday, July 20, 2015
Top Five Pick - Top New Stories of the Week!!
Number Five Bill Cosby is a Rapist *
Number Four Donald Trump and his trash mouth
Number Three The Israel Deal!
Number Two What is the Stand on the War?!
Number One The news that is no longer NEWS!
Friday, July 17, 2015
America; land of the free, home of the brave?
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
I'm a Writer...Who Would Have Known?
Were taught to grow up, do the right things; get your education (in my family more like-get your high school diploma), get a good government job and pay your bills! Being a writer was never a possibility-it wasn't a real job and so, it never crossed my mind. For 27 years my path was making the right decisions to complete all the tasks my mother required of me-writing was not in that path. In school, I would write papers for my friends! When they were down to the wire and needed a great paper in less than a day- who you gonna call- Crystal! And I always pulled it out! Writing has always made me feel free-like no matter what was going on or what would happen my words could change the world! I never thought about sharing my personal feelings with anyone however; I loved to write but sharing your most inner thoughts and inner emotions is something I was not willing to do. So, when it was time for me to think about what I wanted to do in life, being a writer was not on that list. I personally do not know one writer so, to vision what a writer's life would look like was impossible. And then there was Carrie-not rage Carrie; Carrie Bradshaw!
Watching her on Sex and the City brought professional writing to the forefront! You could actually afford to live as a writer; if you're a good one! I could buy all the Louis Vuitton I wanted if I found the right things to write about! That idea sparked me but, bills and life wasn't ready for me to drop everything and start writing so, I continued to work and complete the tasks my mother asked of me. However; with one heartache my entire life plan change and I had no idea where I was or where I was going. It was as if I woke up and finally smelled the coffee. I love my mother more than anything! She was one of my very best friends and we shared everything! She was everything to me; my mother, my friend, my pastor, my supervisor, my conscious and my happiness. A little to much right-Yea! We had one of those very unhealthy co-dependent mother-daughter relationships! And she lived her life through me. It sounds crazy to my friends and stuff because it wasn't like she turned me into a dancer and forced me to do a sport she but, it was the same thing; in a different way.
My mother's dream was to live a safe and happy life. Dreaming of having that great love; finding the perfect government job, providing for her family and living out her life until retirement! it was the perfect dream for her and it's the dream that we all have; as women. Normal, everyday women. Have friends, enjoy life; find that great love, move into a 2.5 bedroom house with a great outdoors. Have 2.5 children, a great dependable job, vacations once a month (or whatever) and live happily ever after! So, as her daughter, and since she couldn't fulfill any of her dreams - not for the lack of trying but, she just couldn't; I did! By 27 I was about 75% finish with the dream. Married, great government job, college degree, great social life, only missing the children and the home however; it was coming. We were in preparation mode and then the heartache and my life turned upside down!
It's crazy to describe but, growing up I was always searching for something; always wanting something bigger and better than I had or thought I could get. I never felt happy and made a lot of decisions that was stuuu-ppid! When my mother passed away, I had to think for myself. My thoughts were my own and the decisions I made weren't going to get approval from my mother. She was no longer there to affect how I decided to live my life or what move's I would make. The biggest decision I made after my mother passed was quitting that damn job! I never wanted to work for the government but, up until a few years ago I didn't know why. The only reason I ever thought about it or did it is because I knew it would prove security. It was the safe job that my mother told me to aim for. Are you suppose to accomplish all your dreams by 27! Or should you always aim for something greater! I choose to always aim for something greater! Not to search for anything but, to aim for everything!
My mother's dream was to small and it smoother me! I made all the wrong decisions because it wasn't the life I was suppose to live! I am a writer. I evoke change through my words and that is the life I am suppose to live! That is the tool that the Universe has given to me; my gift to share with the world to aim for world peace! I'm not running for Miss America but, I truly want World Peace!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I'm a Black Jew!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
A Bag & A BFF
A Bag & A BFF
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Y should I be ok?!
Yesterday, a new life came into the world - my niece?!?!?!
Knowing all that I know I don't want to leave any questions about my position; I don't claim her! I don't have room in my life for someone else's mistakes! Not only does she not look like my family but, unless they changed the time a woman actually is pregnant or unless DC Jail allowed my brother to mail sperm home he didn't help conceive this child!
Let's do a biological study - the baby was due in the month of June, which means the conception date was in August and my brother was in jail until September. Ill wait - you do the math!
I can appreciate my brother wanting a child and wanting to be there but, I can't understand the lies! Why would a woman lie about something like this. These are the type of decisions that give woman a bad reputation. We have to make better choices for our children and for those that grow up watching us. When we choose to ruin someone's life with a deep lie we choose to determine our own damage future.
Think about the choices you make and the people you evoke hurt upon!